After winning the Grand Prix at the Japan World’s Tourism Film Festival, the promotional film “The Majestic Adventures of Ofelia de Souza” was awarded a Gold Trophy at the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards 2022.
This Tuesday, April 26th, the winners of the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards 2022 were announced. At the Storytellers Gala virtual event, “The Majestic Adventures of Ofelia de Souza” received the Gold Trophy in the Corporate Image - Tourism Category, as well as the video from Greece “Peloponnese. Greece beyond the obvious”.
Over the ten tourism videos that participated in this festival through the CIFFT Circuit (International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals) were awarded with gold, silver and bronze trophies, as well as finalist certificates.
In total, this year's competition had 113 Gold Awards, 126 Silver Awards, 113 Bronze Awards and 275 finalists, among content from the four corners of the world and in various styles that were evaluated by the Grand Jury of the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards, comprised of more than 200 professionals in the sector.
Released in October last year, the film produced by Kobu Agency stars Ofélia de Souza, an experienced 72-year-old event planner and epicure who, alongside her personal assistants Ofelier and Ofeliette, shares tips and secrets for choosing and enjoying Porto and the North of Portugal, one of the best business tourism destinations in the world.
All the character’s interactions and costumes refer to products and spaces that reflect the design, culture, industry and fashion of the region, in a film that aims to show that the destination has what is needed for organising major events.
This campaign, which will continue in 2022, reinforces the commitment to position the region as a leading destination in the Meeting Industry.
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Japan World’s Tourism Film Festival 2022
New York Festivals TV & Film Awards 2022